It has been detected that people who are impersonating business people or potential investors attempt fraud with claims such as collecting investments by using our company's title, logo and website images on various social media channels. Seemingly, these attempts, having increased recently, sometimes take place in the form of requesting bank account information from the victims or sometimes sending bank account information to the victims and requesting money transfers to those bank accounts.
Global Investment Holdings is a public company, and investors who want to invest in it can do so by buying shares in Borsa Istanbul through intermediary firms authorized by the Capital Markets Board. Apart from this, it is not our company practice to receive direct investment or collect money from investors.
With this notification, we would like to inform you, as a precaution, that when sending an e-mail message we will always use e-mail addresses with the extension "", and that our company's official website is, official Twitter address is @GLYHOIR, official Facebook address is @GLYHOIR, official Linkedin address is /glyhoir, and official postal address is Büyükdere Cad. No: 193/2 Şişli Istanbul. The most up-to-date version of the contact information can always be confirmed through the Public Disclosure Platform (KAP):
If there is any doubt about whether a received message or notification has been actually sent by our company, you can confirm this by sending the relevant message or notification to or by contacting our company at 0090 212 244 60 00 during business hours.
We would like to take this opportunity to warn all domestic and foreign investors about such fraudulent attempts.
Yours faithfully,