Global Investment Holdings’ 2018 Annual Report Receives Three Prestigious Awards

Global Investment Holdings’ 2018 Annual Report Receives Three Prestigious Awards…

Global Investment Holdings’ 2018 Annual Report has received three awards from the League of American Communications Professionals (LACP) for their prestigious 18th Vision Awards annual report competition, including the Silver Award.

The report is prepared in collaboration with Finar, and covers corporate, economic, corporate and environmental activities of Global Investment Holdings. The report was evaluated by a committee of communications professionals affiliated with LACP. Global Investment Holdings received the Silver Award in Conglomerates, Industrialists, Investors category worldwide.

Global Investment Holdings received Technical Achievement Award for overall excellence in the art and method of annual report communications, while being listed among Top 50 Reports for EMEA (Europe, Middle East, Africa)Region.

The LACP, who sets the excellence standards in communications field, initiated the Vision Awards in 2001. 18th Vision Awards drew more than 1,000 entries from over 25 countries, representing a broad range of industries & organization size, and Reports were evaluated under “First Impression”, “Report Cover”, ”Letter to Shareholders”, “Report Narrative”, “Report Financials”, “Creativity”, “Message Clarity” and “Information Accessibility” criteria.

Having been evaluated as one of the best submissions in its category, Global Investment Holdings 2018 Annual Report got a score of 97 out of 100 with full scores in “Report Cover”, ”Letter to Shareholders”, “Report Narrative”, “Report Financials”, and “Message Clarity” criteria.

Founded in 2001 by representatives of the public relations and corporate communications sectors in the United States, LACP operates as one of the country’s leading associations for communications professionals. LACP, which conducts studies for the communication sector, also organizes various award programs with participation from all over the world, especially in the une Fortune 500 ”companies in areas such as communication and annual report.