GPH Announcement: Livorno Cruise Port and other tender developments
08 January 2016
Through its subsidiary Creuers, Global Ports Holding has been pre-qualified for Porto di Livorno 2000 privatization tender…
Creuers, a subsidiary of Global Ports Holding (GPH), has been pre-qualified for Porto di Livorno 2000 privatization tender and is among the companies that are invited to the tender, which was launched by the Port Authority of Livorno for the selection of a majority shareholder in the company; granting a concession to manage the Cruise Port of Livorno and give support and other connected accessory services, as well as a concession on the related State owned properties. The company manages the cruise terminal, the maritime passenger station, information service, car parks and transportation within the Port of Livorno. Geographically located in the center of the Mediterranean Sea, the Port of Livorno is strategically positioned for “ferries” due to its proximity to Sardinia and Corsica; as well as for “cruise”, as it serves the major tourist destinations of Florence and Pisa in Italy. The Port of Livorno is the 3rd national transit port in Italy, after Civitavecchia and Napoli; with 0.6mn passengers in 2014. At the same time, the port entails substantial ferries business, which brings stable and constant revenues.
On the other hand, our subsidiary Global Ports Holding, decided not to continue with the projects below:
– Acquisition of Riga Passenger Terminal LLC’s cruise and ferry passenger operations (a non-binding Letter of Intent had been signed on April 3, 2015)
– Tender for Operations, Maintenance, and Transfer of main ports of Republic of Cabo Verde (had become prequalified on October 1, 2015)