New CEO Appointed to Global Energy
13 February 2012
Atay Arpacıoğulları, was appointed the CEO of the newly structured Global Energy, a 100% subsidiary of Global Investment Holdings (“GIH”), undertaking the entire energy sector investments of the Group.
Atay Arpacıoğulları holds a BA degree in Architecture from Middle East Technical University and an MBA degree from Babson College. Mr. Arpacıoğulları has joined Global Investment Holdings’ Business Development Unit in 2005 and has been the Head of Business Development since October 2010 .
Global Energy is the main subsidiary of GIH in the energy sector and pursues investments in natural gas distribution and wholesale, CNG distribution, and power generation in Turkey. Global Energy owns 50% of Energy Investment Holdings (EIH), which is a joint venture with STFA, operating the Group’s natural gas distribution assets, owns a controlling stake in Galata Enerji A.Ş. which carries on the construction of the Power Plant with a capacity of 270 MW based on circulating fluidized-bed boiler (“CFBB”) technology, and also owns a controlling stake in Geliş Madencilik Enerji İnş. Tic. A.Ş. which holds the license to operate the asphaltite mine located in close proximity to the Power Plant site.