Sustainability Management and the Duties and Working Principles of the Sustainability Committee
1. AIM
Carrying out our work on sustainability within the Global Yatırım Holding Anonim Şirketi (“Global Investment Holdings” or “GIH”), across areas involving social, corporate, and environmental management – including climate change; establishing a Sustainability Committee within the corporate structure by creating essential strategies, policies, targets and action plans; and determining a framework for authority, and the tasks and responsibilities for all the Company’s employees and departments. Furthermore, GIH aims to have these duties and principles include sector-specific features and adjustments and act as a framework, especially for subsidiaries in which GIH owns the majority of shares or has management control.
The Sustainability Committee covers all processes relevant to GIH, as well as its managers and their employees, joint ventures, contractors, consultants, agencies acting on behalf of GIH; as well as all practices relevant to the suppliers’ sustainability rules and principles.
Board of Directors
The Board of Directors is responsible for reviewing and approving the Sustainability Committee’s Duties and Working Principles and sustainability strategies and policies; the adequacy of monitoring and auditing systems; determining and managing reporting mechanisms; investigating noncompliance cases and imposing sanctions.
Senior Management
Senior Management is responsible for preparing, improving, enforcing and updating the Sustainability Committee’s Duties and Working Principles; executing pre-determined sustainability strategies and policies on the basis of decision-making, business, auditing, and reporting processes; and ensuring that the implementation of relevant strategies and policies is compatible with the Environmental Management System. Senior Management is composed of the General Manager and Department Heads/Directors.
Legal Department
The Legal Department evaluates the Sustainability Committee’s Duties and Working Principles, improvement needs and whether they are up-to-date. The Department submits related suggestions to Senior Management, as well as updating the Sustainability Committee on developments regarding national and international regulations on sustainability.
Employees shall comply with the environmental strategies and policies, Environmental Management System rules and relevant regulations of working principles. Employees are responsible for notifying the Compliance and Internal Audit Department in the case of any action or practice against the policies and principles of sustainability, climate change, and environment, or the Sustainability Committee in the case of detection of an unprecedented risk area or activity.
GIH’s Joint Ventures and Executives acting in the name of GIH
Executives acting in the name of GIH, as well as consultants, contractors, subcontractors, suppliers, agencies and joint ventures are required to comply with our sustainability principles and environmental policies.
Corporate Communication Department
The Corporate Communication Department is responsible for publishing this document, the Sustainability Strategy, the Environmental Policy, and any additional documents for public disclosure on the company’s portal.
Human Resources Department
The Human Resources Department is responsible for the distribution of this document, the Sustainability Strategy, the Environmental Policy, and any other internal documents; and for conducting the required employee trainings.
Investor Relations Department
The Investor Relations Department is responsible for maintaining the relationships among the Company’s corporate investors, portfolio managers, analysts, and current and potential shareholders regarding the Sustainability Strategy, the Environmental Policy and relevant practices. Furthermore, the Department is required to carry out public disclosures in a transparent and simultaneous manner, for all those concerned. The Investor Relations Department is also responsible for the release of this document and the Sustainability Strategy, the Environmental Policy and other documents determined for public disclosure on the company’s website.
The Duties and Authority of the Sustainability Committee
Sustainability Committee’s Organizational Structure
These Duty and Working Principles are hereby accepted and entered into force by the Board of Directors’ 29.06.2016 dated and 905 numbered decision.
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